Listen and Dance.
A suggested list of music that’s sure to get you up and dancing!
Carlos, Sweeny, McCartin
Open the Door for Three
The Truckley Howl
Cormac Begley
Doireann Glackin & Sarah Flynn
Jesse Smith, Sean Gavin, & John Blake
Joey Abarta
Noel Hill & Tony MacMahon
Caitlín Nic Gabhann & Ciarán Ó Maonaigh
Seán Clohessy, Sean McComiskey, & Kieran Jordan
Edel Fox & Neill Byrne
Kevin Crawford, Dylan Foley, & Patrick Doocey
Donal McCague & Tommy Fitzharris
Cailtín Nic Gabhann
Colm Gannon
Mary Bergin
Danny O'Mahony